All You Can Be - Life Coach/Mentor (with a difference) Julia Taylor-James - Christchurch, St Albans, Christchurch

Make a difference today- it counts - 5 days to go.

You can make a difference, by taking part in helping this 'life-skills' lesson plan be launched in our Intermediate Schools.

There is too much evidence now that maths, algebra and geography are just not enough. Techniques and strategies need to be taught to deal with life situations. Thank you for taking this seriously.

Please make a pledge today, as every contribution makes a difference.

The clock is ticking and the count down has begun.

For more click, on this link.

If you've read this far, it's much appreciated. Please now pledge a little (or a lot).

Kind regards,


Helping one person at a time and now the schools:-)

Only that you'll miss out on being part of changing history.

Phone: 272398131
Mobile: +64272398131